Sometimes, less really is more. It doesn’t always have to be so busy. Sometimes a couple of simple black or white lines are enough to create a beautiful and stylish illustration. And in the end, isn’t that what we all want? Go ahead and check out our collection of geometric smartphone cases and let...More info
Sometimes, less really is more. It doesn’t always have to be so busy. Sometimes a couple of simple black or white lines are enough to create a beautif...More info
Stained glass - Orange
249 kr
Stained glass - Purple
249 kr
Retro Butterfly
249 kr
Retro Flower
249 kr
Retro Sun
249 kr
Limes N°2
249 kr
Limes N°1
249 kr
249 kr
Crystals & Minerals
249 kr
Checkered paper N°2
249 kr
Checkered paper N°1
249 kr
Boho oriental mandala
249 kr
Boho watercolour mandala
249 kr
Boho golden mandala
249 kr
Boho Geometric mandala
249 kr
Blue tiles, lemons and oranges - small
249 kr
Blue tiles, lemons and oranges
249 kr
Blue tiles and oranges
249 kr
Blue tiles, lemons and oranges
249 kr
Blue tiles and lemons
249 kr
Marble in style
249 kr
8-bit N°10
249 kr
8-bit N°8
249 kr
8-bit N°9
249 kr
Marrakech Zigzag
249 kr
Biggest stripe
249 kr
Coloured triangles
249 kr
Coloured triangles blue
249 kr
Coloured triangles pastel
249 kr
Crazy pattern
249 kr
Crazy shapes
249 kr
Cubes black and white
249 kr
Dashed line
249 kr
Geometric jungle
249 kr
Geometric lines black
249 kr
Geometric lines white
249 kr
Geometric pattern
249 kr
Hipster stripes
249 kr
Magic pattern
249 kr
Stripes black and white
249 kr
Creative touch
249 kr
249 kr
Grid 2
249 kr
Marble arrows
249 kr
Marble combination
249 kr
Stripes pastel
249 kr
8-bit N°10
transparent design
249 kr
8-bit N°9
transparent design
249 kr
8-bit N°8
transparent design
249 kr
8-bit N°5
249 kr
249 kr
249 kr
249 kr
249 kr
Meet you there
249 kr
Skew Blush 3
249 kr
Skew Blush 2
249 kr
Skew Blush 1
249 kr
Skew Bee 3
249 kr
Skew Bee 2
249 kr
Skew Bee 1
249 kr
Green Cheetah
transparent design
249 kr
Marrakech Zigzag
transparent design
249 kr
Geometric jungle
transparent design
249 kr
Cubes black and white
transparent design
249 kr
Stripes black and white
transparent design
249 kr
Geometric lines white
transparent design
249 kr
Geometric lines black
transparent design
249 kr
Biggest stripe
transparent design
249 kr
Geometric pattern
transparent design
249 kr
This transparent soft case is made from flexible shock-absorbing TPU and encases your entire phone for a full protection. It will give your smartphone a perfect protection against dents, scratches, dirt and dust. All of our cases are tailor-made for your specific smartphone model. This means that you’ll still be able to take pictures without having to remove the case every single time. The volume controls and standby button will also remain just as easy to reach as before. And thanks to the wonderful design, your smartphone will look better than ever!
Made from flexible shock-absorbing TPU. Encases entire phone for a full protection.
Hear it from someone else
VerifiedVery nice qaulity and it was quite good delivery thank you
VerifiedIch habe bereits das zweite Case bestellt und bin wieder sehr zufrieden.
VerifiedGot exactly what I asked for! Picture quality is to the exact what I ordered and case quality is to exact measurements of the phone and very good quality also overall!!!
VerifiedDo you have a question? I am available from Monday to Saturday.
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