Design is life! Here at CaseCompany, that’s one of our main mottos! We strive to create the most beautiful smartphone cases for you, allowing you to protect your smartphone in style. That’s why we offer you a wide variety of designs, created by both our in-house designers and several guest designers...More info
Design is life! Here at CaseCompany, that’s one of our main mottos! We strive to create the most beautiful smartphone cases for you, allowing you to p...More info
319 kr
This is fine
319 kr
Fruit Pattern
319 kr
319 kr
319 kr
Rolls Eyes
319 kr
319 kr
Colorful plants
319 kr
Graphic patterns
319 kr
319 kr
319 kr
Make Memories N°5
319 kr
Make Memories N°4
319 kr
Make Memories N°3
319 kr
Make Memories N°2
319 kr
Make Memories N°1
319 kr
Yuletide Globes
319 kr
Winter Flora
319 kr
Nocturnal Berries
319 kr
Mint Sparkle
319 kr
Midnight Merriment
319 kr
Crimson Check
319 kr
Cozy Christmas
319 kr
Polaroid N°6
319 kr
Polaroid N°5
319 kr
Cherries N°2
319 kr
Cherries N°1
319 kr
Gradient N°3
319 kr
Gradient N°2
319 kr
Gradient N°1
319 kr
Positivity always wins
319 kr
319 kr
The best yet to be
319 kr
Stained glass
319 kr
Stained glass - Orange
319 kr
Stained glass - Purple
319 kr
Retro Butterfly
319 kr
Retro Flower
319 kr
Retro Sun
319 kr
Harry - You Are So Golden
319 kr
Harry's Watermelon
319 kr
Harry's kiwi
319 kr
Harry's outfits
319 kr
Fishing boats
319 kr
Café Terrace at Night
319 kr
Starry Night Over the Rhône
319 kr
319 kr
Almond blossom
319 kr
The starry night
319 kr
Retro Flowers - Red
319 kr
Retro Flowers N°2 - Blue
319 kr
Retro Flowers N°2 - Yellow
319 kr
Retro Flowers - Yellow
319 kr
Retro Flowers - Blue
319 kr
Retro Flowers - Purple
319 kr
Hawaii - Blue
319 kr
Hawaii - Yellow
319 kr
Hawaii - Green
319 kr
Hawaii - Pink
319 kr
Tennis N°2
319 kr
Tennis N°1
319 kr
319 kr
Camera App
319 kr
Small heart
319 kr
Falling hearts N°2
319 kr
Falling hearts N°1
319 kr
319 kr
Leaving on a trip N°2
319 kr
Zodiac sign N°4
319 kr
319 kr
CaseCompany’s flip cases are built from the best materials. That way, your smartphone will get the protection it needs ánd deserves. All of our cases are tailor-made for every specific smartphone model, which means the user-friendliness will remain as impeccable as before. All of the buttons remain easily accessible, and you will be able to keep taking pictures without having to remove the case every time. The inside of the case is lined with faux leather, while the front is covered with a high-quality print of your choice. On the inside, there’s plenty of place to store your bank cards.
Hear it from someone else
VerifiedI had ordered this phone case as a Christmas present for my mum and it has turned out amazing and better than I expected. I know that she is going to love it.
VerifiedVery nice qaulity and it was quite good delivery thank you
VerifiedDo you have a question? I am available from Monday to Saturday.
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