It’s winter. It’s dark, it’s cold… In short, it’s miserable outside. And there you are, dreaming of summer, sunbathing outside while drinking a cocktail, enjoying the beautiful weather. We all know that feeling! Now, thanks to CaseCompany’s tropical smartphone cases, you can picture yourself in a tr...More info
It’s winter. It’s dark, it’s cold… In short, it’s miserable outside. And there you are, dreaming of summer, sunbathing outside while drinking a cockta...More info
Tropical Palms
349 kr
Morris Florals
349 kr
Paradise Garden Peacock
349 kr
Tropical Flamingo
349 kr
Daisies All Over
349 kr
Daisies Again
349 kr
349 kr
Flower Wreath
349 kr
Ditsy flowers
349 kr
Soft pink flowers
349 kr
Soft pink flowers
transparent design
349 kr
Ditsy flowers
transparent design
349 kr
Red flower
349 kr
Retro Flowers N°3
349 kr
Retro Flowers - Red
349 kr
Retro Flowers N°2 - Blue
349 kr
Retro Flowers N°2 - Yellow
349 kr
Retro Flowers - Yellow
349 kr
Retro Flowers - Blue
349 kr
Retro Flowers - Purple
349 kr
Hawaii - Blue
349 kr
Hawaii - Yellow
349 kr
Hawaii - Green
349 kr
Hawaii - Pink
349 kr
349 kr
349 kr
Colorful Leaves
349 kr
Fresh Flowers
349 kr
Delicate Plants and Flowers
349 kr
Colorful Plants and Flowers
349 kr
Japanese Crane Birds
349 kr
Tropical Parrot
349 kr
Japanese crane birds blossom
349 kr
Japanese Crane Birds
transparent design
349 kr
Tropical Parrot
transparent design
349 kr
349 kr
Magic Mushrooms
349 kr
Happy Daisies
349 kr
349 kr
transparent design
349 kr
Retro Flowers
349 kr
White flowers
349 kr
White flowers
transparent design
349 kr
Retro Flowers
transparent design
349 kr
Winter Flowers
349 kr
Pastel Roses
349 kr
Leafy Eucalyptus
349 kr
Monogram Blue tiles
349 kr
Monogram Strawberries
349 kr
Monogram Lemons, Oranges of Peaches
349 kr
Blue tiles, lemons and oranges - small
349 kr
Blue tiles, lemons and oranges
349 kr
Blue tiles and oranges
349 kr
Blue tiles, lemons and oranges
349 kr
Blue tiles and lemons
349 kr
Tropical jungle toucan
349 kr
Tropical jungle parrot
349 kr
Wild boho flowers
349 kr
Little Ellila Flowers
349 kr
Small daisies
349 kr
Just peachy
349 kr
Stitched Clementine
349 kr
Stitched Lemon
349 kr
Stitched Peach
349 kr
Will you be my clementine
349 kr
You're my lemon
349 kr
You're my lemon
transparent design
349 kr
Will you be my clementine
transparent design
349 kr
Stitched Clementine
transparent design
349 kr
Stitched Peach
transparent design
349 kr
Our 100% biodegradable smartphone-case allows everyone to contribute in the battle against climate change. The compostable case is made from wheat straw and BPAT bioplastic allowing it to fully decompose in any natural environment within 18 months.
This case covers the edges of your device to fully protect your smartphone from scratches and shock impacts. The black design with its natural texture creates a unique and sleek look.
Hear it from someone else
VerifiedI had ordered this phone case as a Christmas present for my mum and it has turned out amazing and better than I expected. I know that she is going to love it.
VerifiedVery nice qaulity and it was quite good delivery thank you
VerifiedDo you have a question? I am available from Monday to Saturday.
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