Unfortunately, our Google Pixel 3a Transparent Case out of stock.
Angel Numbers No.02
359 kr
Angel Numbers No.01
359 kr
Colorful plants
359 kr
Graphic patterns
359 kr
359 kr
359 kr
Zodiac sign N°5
359 kr
Flower Wreath
359 kr
359 kr
359 kr
Summer bouquet
359 kr
Palm fluo
359 kr
Stained glass
359 kr
Harry's outfits
359 kr
Tennis N°2
359 kr
Tennis N°1
359 kr
359 kr
Camera App
359 kr
Small heart
359 kr
Falling hearts N°2
359 kr
Falling hearts N°1
359 kr
359 kr
Leaving on a trip N°2
359 kr
Zodiac sign N°4
359 kr
359 kr
My dogs and I
359 kr
Hi, it's me N°2
359 kr
FB Post
359 kr
Best Friends N°2
359 kr
Best Friends N°1
359 kr
My dog and I
359 kr
Leaving on a trip N°1
359 kr
359 kr
359 kr
Lemons & Photo
359 kr
359 kr
Boarding Pass
359 kr
Great Wave
359 kr
Personalized Face - Hearts N°2
359 kr
Personalized face - Baby
359 kr
Personalized face - Pet
359 kr
Personalized Face - Stripes Pattern
359 kr
Personalized Face N°2
359 kr
Personalized Face N°1
359 kr
Spring florals pink roses
359 kr
Tropical palm
359 kr
Spring florals
359 kr
Spring florals white roses
359 kr
For Real
359 kr
Insta Post
359 kr
Turtle Print
359 kr
359 kr
Photo hearts N°2
359 kr
Photo hearts N°1
359 kr
70's Flowers
359 kr
Zodiac Sign N°3
359 kr
Retro Desktop
359 kr
Zodiac Sign N°2
359 kr
359 kr
Polaroid N°4
359 kr
Polka Dots
359 kr
Marble Ink N°2
359 kr
Marble Ink N°1
359 kr
Adventure Film Roll
359 kr
Stars N°2
359 kr
Stars N°1
359 kr
Film Roll N°3
359 kr
Netherlands - Football
359 kr
Belgium - Football
359 kr
Monogram Blue tiles
359 kr
This transparent soft case is made from flexible shock-absorbing TPU and encases your entire phone for a full protection. It will give your smartphone a perfect protection against dents, scratches, dirt and dust. All of our cases are tailor-made for your specific smartphone model. This means that you’ll still be able to take pictures without having to remove the case every single time. The volume controls and standby button will also remain just as easy to reach as before. And thanks to the wonderful design, your smartphone will look better than ever!
Made from flexible shock-absorbing TPU. Encases entire phone for a full protection.
Hear it from someone else
Gitte Koudal
VerifiedEasy to design, user friendly platform. Purchase and delivery really efficient. Good high quality product.
VerifiedSono stata molto soddisfatta cover fatta bene e resistente .... super contenta della scelta che ho fatto ✔️.
VerifiedFast delivery kept me updated too amazing quality and good quality colourful i.ages perfect fit for my phone
VerifiedDo you have a question? I am available from Monday to Saturday.
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Very beautiful cover for my phone. Very nice colors on the photos. I have already ordered more for the rest of the family.